Béládi, Katalin and Kertész, Róbert (2003): A tesztüzemek főbb ágazatainak költség- és jövedelemhelyzete 2002-ben = Results of Hungarian FADN Farms 2002. (6.): [Periodical]
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A mezőgazdasági ágazatok költség- és jövedelem helyzetének vizsgálata mindig fontos része volt az agrárgazdasági kutatásoknak. Ez döntően abból adódik, hogy a mezőgazdasági vállalkozások (mind az egyéni, mind a társas gazdaságok) helyzete, gazdálkodásuk eredménye végső soron az általuk előállított mezőgazdasági termékek jövedelmi viszonyaitól függ. Az ezzel kapcsolatos vizsgálatok az utóbbi években még inkább hangsúlyosakká váltak. A 2004. május elsejével történő Európai Unióhoz való csatlakozásunk ugyanis mind határozottabban veti fel a magyar mezőgazdaság versenyképességének kérdését. Ez pedig nem más, mint annak elemzése, hogy mely ágazatok azok, amelyekkel versenyképesek leszünk az Unióban és melyek azok, amelyek jelenleg versenyhátrányban vannak, illetve ezek miként fognak alakulni a jövőben. Mindezek indokolják, hogy az Agrárgazdasági Kutató és Informatikai Intézet (AKII) továbbra is kiemelt feladatának tekinti az ágazati szintű költség- és jövedelem vizsgálatokhoz szükséges adatok gyűjtését és feldolgozását, melyek részben hátterét képezik a mezőgazdasági ágazatok ökonómiai elemzésének. Jelen kiadványunkkal a korábbi évek hagyományait követve a főbb ágazatok költség, hozam-, ár- és jövedelemhelyzetéről adunk áttekintést. A tanulmány tematikájában a korábbi évek társas gazdaságokat bemutató sorozatához tartozik, de 2001 óta a tesztüzemi rendszerhez tartozó gazdaságok adatai alapján állítjuk össze kiadványunkat, amely már együttesen tartalmazza az egyéni és a társas gazdaságok ágazati költség-jövedelem mutatóit. A tesztüzemek 2002. évi gazdálkodásáról már megjelent első – a vállalkozások egészének pénzügyi és jövedelmi helyzetét bemutató – és a jelenlegi, második kiadvány remélhetőleg hasznos segítséget nyújt a termelők, a szakemberek, a szakmai szervezetek, a döntéshozók mindennapi munkájához. = In the survey carried out in the framework of the Farm Accountancy Data Network in 2002 we analysed the data of 1401 private farms and 492 economic organisations. In the aggregate the sample represented more than 90 thousand farms. The collected data mostly come from business records and primarily allow analysis of the income situation of different farm groups. Data were collected only from commodity producing farms that are over a predetermined threshold size. In summary we can state that in 2002 both farm groups, i.e. private farms and economic organisations (associations with or without legal entity and cooperatives) achieved a modest profit, but profitability of farming was still far behind the other, also capital intensive sectors of the national economy: While in 2002 return on net worth in farms participating in the FADN survey was 5.4 percent this index was 17.9 percent in mining, 19.9 percent in the construction industry and 13.2 percent in the processing industry. As compared to the previous year, profitability calculated at current prices reduced in private farms (17 percent decrease), while economic organisations achieved a minimal increase (2 percent). In 2002 the average size of farms was 48.3 hectares, of which 44.9 hectares was agricultural area. The ratio of leased land was 67 percent. An average farm employed 1.9 AWUs. The size of livestock per farm was 16.0 LUs. On the average of one farm, the value of assets was 21.3 million HUF; from this 62.2 percent were fixed assets and 37.8 percent were current assets. Gross production value per one hectare agricultural area was 356.2 thousand HUF, while production costs per hectare amounted to 332.3 thousand HUF. This way 24.0 thousand HUF/ha income of farming activity was realised. Profit before taxes was 18.4 thousand HUF/ha, income after taxes was 16.7 thousand HUF/ha. Return on total output amounted to 5.2 percent, while return on assets has hit 5.6 percent. Examining the results we found that in private farms specific income of farming activity per hectare was approximately 3 percent higher than in economic organisations, but this is only due to the low wages and related common charges accounted in private farms. If, for the sake of comparability, we correct these differences, economic organisations show a relatively more advantageous income position. Despite the modest profitability, investing activity definitely strengthened as compared to the previous years. Nevertheless, only 25 percent of gross investments brought factual accrual of assets because the majority of realised investments compensated depreciation or replaced written-off or sold assets. As a result of the government measures (debt consolidation program), indebtedness of farms only grew to a small extent, although the volume of investments increased. At the same time, economic organisations are still seriously indebted (in 2002 the ratio of net worth did not come up to 59 percent). As a consequence, in economic organisations payable interests on loans almost halved the income of farming activity. Although indebtedness of private farms slightly increased but, similarly to the previous years, it is still not considerable (this is indicated by the 87 percent ratio of net worth). In 2002 the weather and market conditions (drought, frost damages, low producer prices for pig) harmed the profitability of vegetable and ornamental plant producers the least, consequently, they take the lead (although their advantage is not as significant as in other years). Cattle and sheep producers (animal production I.) come second, followed practically with equal results by crop producers and pig and poultry farmers (animal production II.) in the third and fourth place, respectively. Mixed farms come next, while fruit and wine growers had the worst results. It is notable that average values cover significant dispersion in both farm groups. (It is shown for example by the fact that 60.3 percent of private farms were profitable, 39.7 percent unprofitable, while 67.0 percent of economic organisations were profitable and 33.0 percent unprofitable.) Based on the results, it seems obvious that larger farm-size, better supply of assets and reasonable structure of farming lead to better incomes, but farming expertise and professionalism may also play an important role. We have analysed the data for 2002 in international (EU) comparison as well. In Hungary the gross production value per one hectare is 59 percent of the EU average. However, even despite the forced economisation, the value of current productive consumption reaches 86 percent of the community average. While in the European Union 1.83 Euro production value falls on 1 Euro current productive consumption, this ratio is only 1.26 Euro in Hungary. This results both from the high input prices and the weak efficiency of the utilisation of inputs. Deducting current productive consumption and depreciation and the balance of current subsidies and taxes from the gross production value, we arrive at the net added value. It is 241 Euro/ha in Hungary as opposed to the EU average of 868 Euro/ha. Not in the last place, the discrepancy between the net added values is due to the different levels of support after taxes. In Hungary this is only 33 percent of the EU average.
Item Type: | Periodical |
Additional Information: | Agrárgazdasági Információk |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | költségek, hozamok, értékesítési árak, jövedelmek, ágazati eredmények, növénytermesztés, állattenyésztés, jövedelmezőség |
Subjects: | Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics – Environmental and Ecological Economics Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics – Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q1 - Agriculture Q - Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics – Environmental and Ecological Economics > Q1 - Agriculture > Q14 - Agricultural Finance |
Depositing User: | István Ady |
Date Deposited: | 30 Aug 2019 06:49 |
Last Modified: | 30 Aug 2019 06:49 |
URI: | http://repo.aki.gov.hu/id/eprint/3030 |
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